Sioux Falls community rallies around Rock the Block

by: Sam Schauer

Posted: Jun 11, 2023 / 05:42 PM CDT

Updated: Jun 12, 2023 / 05:26 AM CDT

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — The second day of the Rock the Block kicked off with a neighborhood barbecue today. Not only was there food, but there were also various services from eye check-ups to phone deals.

Outside of the Union Gospel Mission building on Eighth Street in Sioux Falls Sunday, you could find the aroma of a barbecue and the view of a community coming together.

“This is just something special. We’re doing Ricky’s Meats barbecue, so they’re barbecuing up meats for us. We have our own community gardens that are providing vegetables and stuff like that,” said Union Gospel Mission CEO Eric Weber.

It wasn’t just food being offered at this Rock the Block Party, though.

“We have aerials that will be happening, we have a lot of information, we have vision for the kids. We have music happening, community groups talking about how can we plan stuff and our community,” Weber said.

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Pastor Laura Thompson says these groups are here because they care about the community.

“They want to help people get better, and let people know that, ‘Hey we’re here, we’re available, we can serve you, how can we help you out?’ Because we want what’s best for the community,” Thompson said,

“All these providers provide things for people for free. So, if you’re in need, they have ways you can get it. So, we just want to make sure we can help other people,” Weber said.

Weber says providing community support to everybody is what this event is for.

“Each one of the persons that are here, rich or poor, they’re citizens. And so we want to bring citizens together in our community to love one and other,” Weber said.

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sioux Falls organized beautification projects in the Whittier neighborhood for the first day of the Rock the Block event.


‘Rock the Block’ focuses on Whittier neighborhood


Rock the Block Day 1