The Preservation Kitchen
The "Empowerment Through Nourishment - The Preservation Kitchen Project" seeks to establish a preservation kitchen on the main floor of a houseless shelter. This multifaceted initiative aims to provide job training, home economics education, and large-scale local produce preparation to be utilized by area service organizations, thus creating a self-sustaining cycle of support and empowerment.

Project Objectives:
Job Training: The preservation kitchen will offer comprehensive job training programs tailored to the shelter residents. Participants will acquire culinary skills, food safety knowledge, and preservation techniques, enabling them to seek employment in the food industry and break free from the cycle of homelessness.
Home Economics Education: By incorporating home economics education into the project, residents will gain practical knowledge in meal planning, budgeting, nutrition, and cooking. This will empower them with essential life skills to transition into stable housing situations.
Mass Local Produce Prep: The preservation kitchen will collaborate with local farmers and food banks to source excess seasonal produce. Residents will engage in large-scale preservation activities such as canning, pickling, and drying, ensuring surplus produce is efficiently utilized, minimizing wastage, and contributing to the community's food security.
Collaboration with Service Organizations: The preservation kitchen will serve as a hub, preparing preserved food items that can be distributed to area service organizations. This collaboration will amplify the impact of existing programs by ensuring that high-quality, nutrient-rich preserved foods are accessible to those in need.
Empowerment and Dignity: By actively involving residents in the food preservation process, the project aims to restore a sense of purpose, dignity, and self-confidence. Empowering individuals to contribute positively to their community fosters a sense of belonging and reduces feelings of marginalization.
Sustainability and Social Impact: The preservation kitchen project embraces a sustainable approach by repurposing surplus produce and providing valuable skills. Graduates of the training program will be better equipped to find stable employment and transition out of homelessness, leading to a reduction in the demand for shelter services.